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Personalised Learning Programmes

What is Personalised Learning?
Personalised learning is a student centred approach to education, that considers specific needs and skills. All students learn differently and are always at a different point in their learning journey to their peers. Personal learning tailored to the students needsand interested is vital to supporting their learning journey.

Personal learning means putting the student first. We take into account the students strengths, skills, opportunities and interests, whilst also encouraging student voice and choice.

At The Study Studio, we know that one size does not fit all. We take pride in the quality of the personalised learning packages that we create for our students. We have real time diagnostic tools along with analytical systems which enable us to pin point students proficiency in key math strands. Using data from the diagnostic tools, we create a personalised action plan for each learner. This allows us to differentiate instruction, fill individual knowledge gaps and facilitate meaningful progress.

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